Any challengers out there?

1263 – it’s kinda like the Million Dollar Homepage but with testosterone.  They don’t sell pixels, they sell bragging rights. And as of right now, is the reigning champion. This site is the brainchild of the guys at and I wish I had come up with it myself. is the ultimate destination for advertisers to strut their stuff. It’s an opportunity for you or your company to become part of the ultimate battle royale! was designed for the sole purpose to up the ante in the ever increasing insanity that is the advertising world. Your ad dollar not going as far as it used to? Google not really doing it for you anymore? Don’t worry, we understand your pain, that’s why at all you have to ever spend is $1.00 and your ad will appear on our site.

I love the concept and the story – our girlfriends think we’re kind of losers because we just aren’t bringing home the bacon like we used to – so I bucked up and now sit atop the advertiser pile… for the moment. I can’t imagine our prime spot lasting long considering the size of my donation. I’ll be checking back regularly to see how our ad is doing and I suspect that my aggressive eBay auction mentality will kick in and my PayPal account will get a workout as I try to hang on to the belt.

Last modified: February 1, 2006

2 Responses to " Any challengers out there? "

  1. Jay says:

    What a great idea! I see these guys making some serious cash if it catches on.

  2. Melissa says:

    I followed the link and thought I’d give it a shot. Didn’t mean to bump you out of first place! I figured I’d come next. Feel free to one-up me.
    Melissa for 3-Day