Good Morning Sunshine


I’m not sure why the old Sunshine Diner at West Broadway & Macdonald was never on my breakfast radar – but it’s there now! They’ve moved a block east below a Vancouver-special condo and they’ve kept their 1950s theme alive. Think Sophie’s except less garage sale and more Elvis. Breakfast was served incredibly fast, our server was super friendly (on the right), and the food was great – I recommend anything with Hollandaise sauce.  Thanks to Breakfast Armada for the photo – whatever happened to those guys??

Sunshine Diner on Urbanspoon

Last modified: June 9, 2008

4 Responses to " Good Morning Sunshine "

  1. Rob says:

    Sophie’s is grossly overrated anyway.

    Better than both the Sunshine Diner or Sophies: breakfast at Tatlow’s.

  2. Bill MacEwen says:

    Tatlow’s really? I’ll have to try that out. But how did you miss the sunshine diner?

  3. Talk to us! says:

    Mikey – I saw you at Tatlow’s on Sunday morning. Thumbs up or thumbs down?? Talk to us.

  4. Mikey says:

    Oh yeah, We hit Tats for some brunch on the weekend and I thought it was mighty tasty. Reasonable prices too. Thumbs up!