Save a spot on the Park Board for Mel


Now that I’ve endorsed Colleen Hardwick Nystedt for City Councillor for the upcoming election, I’ve been contacted by numerous political candidates (and their supporters). While we have given them free reign in the comments section of this blog, we’ve chosen not to highlight anyone unless they are actually from Kitsilano. The following is not an endorsement, but just an FYI:

Welcome_kitsilano_1 Mel Lehan for the Vancouver Park Board – Mel moved to Kits in 1951 and went to General Gordon Elementary, Kits High School and UBC.  He pitched a no-hitter for the Kits High baseball team and bought his first bicycle at Ace Cycles. His community activites include co-founding the Kitsilano Residents Association and St. James Community Square and serving on the boards of Kits House, Kits Community Centre and the Kitsilano Chamber of Commerce. We also owe Mel for his part in having the ‘Welcome to Kitsilano’ log erected at the entrance to Kits at the end of the Burrard Bridge. Now if I can only convince him to add .ca to the end of that log!

Last modified: November 16, 2005

3 Responses to " Save a spot on the Park Board for Mel "

  1. Not Mel please! says:

    I know this guy is from the hood and thats really nice but he’s a hard core left-wing nut and will give anyone involved with the provincial NDP a long and hearty blowjob. Yah he looks all sweet and green doing the park board thing but city politics in Vancouver is about one thing – Liberal friendly or NDP friendly.

    It starts low key…like park board, then School trustees, then councilors etc, all the way to Victoria. These people are scary…if they get their way, local comminity center workers will earn 40 bucks an hour and they’ll let dumpster divers unionize.

    Oh, and enjoy that two lane Burrard bridge if city council is COPE dominated.

  2. To “Not Mel Please”: Left-wing nut job? What does that make you, a right wing wacko? Hey, let’s all play nice.

    How could anything that Mel Lehan has accomplished — daylighting Tatlow Park, constructing the Welcome To Kits sign at the south end of the Burrard Street Bridge, working to save character homes in Kits, preserving St. James Community Square for the neighbourhood — be considered anything other than examples of good citizenship?

    As far as being “hard core left-wing” (not true, by the way) why is it that the Chamber of Commerce bestowed upon him the “George Wainborn Good Citizen of the Year” award? The C of C is hardly a left wing organization.

    Mel’s a good guy, a hard-working guy, and a loving father and husband. His kids and his family read this site. Lighten up, will ya.

  3. Rapcructbab says:

    Nothing seems to be easier than seeing someone whom you can help but not helping.
    I suggest we start giving it a try. Give love to the ones that need it.
    God will appreciate it.