Long wait for the Restaurant at Kits Beach coming to an end


In this week’s Business in Vancouver, Editor Timonthy Renshaw comments on the plight of The Restaurant at Kits Beach and its joint venture private-sector partner Peter Barnett. The restaurant is set to open in June… but that is three years in the making thanks to the delays (19 public meetings) triggered by the Kits Point Residents Association. Barnett’s investment in the project has increased from an initial $3.6 million to $6 million thanks to escalating construction costs (1.5 percent per month) caused by all the delays. This complex is going to transform Kits Beach by replacing it’s pathetic, run-down excuse for a concession stand into an awesome 180-seat upper floor restaurant/deck and a ground floor cafe. Now that Kits Point has it’s own Starbucks, I propose we throw up fence along Arbutus and they can enjoy their White Spot take out down at the doggy beach at Vanier Park.

Last modified: April 12, 2008

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