Local Public Eatery has a sign… finally


Local Public Eatery sign

On the way to work this morning, I spotted a truck carrying the two signs for Local Public Eatery.  Slated to open in time for “fall”, the erection of the signs will most likely have Kits locals buzzing about when the Joeys Group restaurant will finally be opening its doors.

Last modified: October 29, 2009

3 Responses to " Local Public Eatery has a sign… finally "

  1. Rita P. says:

    This is great news! I used to live in Kits, now living on the island. I knew this restaurant was slated to open soon. Thanks for this tidbit of information. Now I can plan my return visit to Kits around the “grand opening”. Can’t wait!

  2. BMI says:

    FYI…LOCAL is officially opening its doors on Friday, Nov 20th!