Burrard Bridge – the Never Ending Story


Burrard BridgeThe issue of the Burrard Bridge sidewalk widening is perhaps one of the most divisive ones in the city. There are those that feel the current situation for pedestrians and cyclists is just fine (typically the people looking at the situation from inside a car) and those that feel action should have been taken a LONG time ago (typically people who use the sidewalks frequently). I belong to the latter group, so if you are looking for an objective piece on the issue, please move along (and good luck finding one…).

Well, the new estimates are in, and the current council’s vote-grabbing decision to abandon the lane reallocation and opt for widening the sidewalks would cost the city $63 million by the time they would get to it (after 2010). You don’t have to be Nostradamus to be able to predict that no sane council will ever go there, and neither should they. This issue will need a creative and bold solution. Like the lane reallocation pilot project that was all ready to go two years ago. The issue really isn’t about congestion caused by fewer lanes. The issue is congestion caused by commuters deciding to drive rather than take other means of transportation. There are 4 people in my office who travel roughly the same distance from Kits/Fairview to Gastown. Three drive in every single day, on their own.

An alternative solution, that has been floated before and that is now being proposed by Vision Vancouver members, is to build a separate low-slung pedestrian and cyclist drawbridge across False Creek.

Photo by duncan_1978’s

Last modified: May 13, 2008

3 Responses to " Burrard Bridge – the Never Ending Story "

  1. David says:

    The longer this issue takes to resolve, the more people will be injured, if not die on this bridge. Everyone who has stonewalled this issue will have that on their conscience.

    Sidewalks, new bridge, lane closure… the particular solution hardly matters. What matters is that city council finds some balls and fixes this safety issue as quickly as possible before there’s a tragedy on our hands.

  2. Rider says:

    Put a toll on all cars traveling over the bridge, one that automatically bills their place of residence based on icbc data…those on a bus are exempt, as they are using mass transit.

    Use the proceeds as a down payment on lane allocation. To widen the bridge is costly, to add a low slung one will hinder travel, as it will need to swing for boats.

    Less cars on the bridge, promote cycling/walking and make a lane for cyclists.