Happy Birthday Kitsilano.ca!


Kitsilano.ca is celebrating it’s 3rd Birthday this month and we’ve given ourselves the gift of WordPress. We’ll be stepping it up a notch in 2008 with more local coverage and more contributors (so, let us know if you’re interested). Be patient with us as we tweak the new site and make impovements all month long. For those long-time readers out there, I ran into Mikey (one of our original contributors) and he’s considering firing up his MacBook and climbing back on board.

Last modified: February 9, 2008

3 Responses to " Happy Birthday Kitsilano.ca! "

  1. kitsguy says:

    Mikey coming back – I’ll believe it when I see it.

  2. darren says:

    nice work, rob…congrats!

  3. kitsgirl says:

    yay! mikey’s coming back!! ive always loved his posts…..as sporatic as they were…can’t wait to read the next one!