Best and… Not So Best in the Movers and Shakers on West 4th


I live just a block away from the Kitsilano’s busy retail strip on West 4th. In all my years being a Kits resident I haven’t seem so many changes to the store fronts as I have this past year and a bit. Some new additions I love and some either didn’t last or I am questioning when they will be next to vacate the stroller happy, coffee sipping, local market shopping hub we know and love! Below is my take of what’s hot and what’s well, not on some of the newest West 4th shops.


  • Jackson’s Meats (4th and Yew) – Jackson’s tops my lists. I know there is the Meat Market a few blocks up, but Jackson’s prices are very competitive and their staff and extremely knowledgeable in everything meat related! It’s almost scary! Plus you get to shop for meat in a store with a chandelier – fun!  My only beef with Jackson’s Meats is the hours. I wish they were open later on the weekdays.
  • 49th Parallel (4th and Arbutus) – I was a bit sceptical when I saw this coffee shop open as coffee was one thing West 4th was NOT short of. However, after ordering my first espresso I understand why. It really is one of the best, not only in Kits but in the city!
  • Gumdrops (4th and Maple) – Only in Vancouver can a store dedicated to rain gear survive! The city is so grey during the rainy months that Gumdrops bright gumboots and patterned umbrella’s add just the right punch of life and colour to get through the dreary fall months!

Not so Best

  • Capers Weekend Brunch (4th and Vine) – I love Capers- don’t get me wrong here. However, the weekend brunch I am not a supporter of. Anyone who shops Capers on the weekends knows how busy it is already I don’t want to have to compete with the buffet line! With all the great independent brunch spots I think Capers should stick to muffins, coffee and organic fare.
  • Roots/Le Chateau/American Apparel (4th and Yew) – I have nothing against these stores personally, and I realize many of them are more than a year old in their new Kits homes. My uneasiness with more and more large companies popping up that W4th will soon be taken over by corporate heavyweights.
  • Phat (4th and Cypress – Recently Closed) – This hot Yaletown lunch spot attempted to have lightning strike twice when opening up next to the Noodle Box near Burrard St on West 4th.  They are renowned in Yaletown for their breakfast bennies and montreal smoked meat staked sandwiches.  It didn’t catch on in Kits closing before I even had a chance to order my sandwich! However if you are a fan you can still hit up their original location in Yaletown.

What’s your favourite new(ish) spot on West 4th. Let me know if I missed your list of the best and the worst!

Last modified: November 10, 2009

One Response to " Best and… Not So Best in the Movers and Shakers on West 4th "

  1. Moving right besides the hottest place to eat on 4th avenue did “Phat” in. If you’ve never been to the “Noodle Box”, you are missing out. Great food and value for the money. I’m there once a week.