More dog parks = fewer dog barks


Okay, so I don’t have any research to back up that claim but burning energy is as good for dogs’ temperaments as it is for people’s, and the best place to tire out your mutt is the dog park.  Unfortunately, Kits only has one dog park for the whole pooch-loving ‘hood.  The parks board is currently evaluating the off leash park situation as it stands now.  As I understand it, their decisions could take us in either direction, ie: it’s important that responsible dog owners state their case to protect what what we’ve got and potentially extend our privileges.  If you’d like to increase the hours and locations of dog parks throughout the city, please email and let the task force know how important the off leash areas are to urban canines and their owners!

Last modified: December 9, 2008

3 Responses to " More dog parks = fewer dog barks "

  1. Kits may have only one official dog park, but I’ve seen plenty of dogs in parks around the city, off-leash, who were out and about anyway.

    We have one dog catcher in the city who issues exactly zero fines.

    With sympathies, the parks board proposal seems to be an answer in search of a problem.

  2. Kimmy says:

    Touche. It’s good to know that we lack a whole squad of overzealous dog catchers. I guess I’m just paranoid. I let Murphy off leash occasionally in on-leash areas (far from traffic!) but I’d love it if I weren’t doing it outside of the law.

  3. Lindsay says:

    Please. More legal off-leash dog parks. Many people in Kits don’t own cars and you can’t take your dog on the bus so we need many more off-leash areas. Not ever dog owner has the luxury of driving to the Endowment lands or Spanish banks.