New to you


Mainstream acceptance of experimentation in fashion and style has come a long way since my friends and I were tormented in high school for choosing vintage clothes over the latest popular label from the mall.   (Eat it Tommy Hilfiger!  I still won’t shop there based on principle.)  We were sort of like happier, more colourful emo kids ahead of our time.

Even now that my style has evolved past plaid pants and golf club sweaters, I like to pound the pavement in search of a unique item at a great price.  Because of the way I shop, I tend to accumulate a lot of clothes that I get tired of pretty quickly.

Enter consignment stores…I’m a big believer in consigning.  It puts a little extra cash in my pocket,  and alleviates some of the delayed buyers’ remorse I feel when something I bought a few months ago just doesn’t do it for me anymore.  Not to mention the fact that consignment stores, while not for the faint of heart or those who easily tire of shopping, are often full of cheap delights.

I have been consigning elsewhere in Vancouver but I am now just a few short blocks from Turnabout Consignment.   I look forward to building a solid give and take relationship with  them, starting in September when they begin accepting fall clothes!

Last modified: January 17, 2009

One Response to " New to you "

  1. Keep it up Kimmy! I just read your post on my buddy’s BlackBerry while cruising with the top down on the A6 between Lyon and Marseille. Monte Carlo, here we come.