Freeze Your Bum Off at Vancouver Polar Bear Swim 2016


Image: Image: Mark Klotz / Flickr

Image: Image: Mark Klotz / Flickr

Once again, hundreds of brave or foolhardy Vancouverites will strip down and plunge into the icy waters of English Bay for the annual Polar Bear Swim on January 1, 2016. Registration opens at 12:0pm at English Bay Bathhouse (1700 Beach Avenue). Swimmers dive in at 2:30pm. Basically, if you’re out late partying, you can still make the event.

The Vancouver Polar Bear Swim dates back to 1920 when 10 brave souls first made a mad winter swim. These days, over 2,000 folks are likely to participate. There are some basic guidelines. Wear a swimsuit. No dogs. No booze.

Last modified: December 31, 2015

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