Americans invade Mexico


AagirlIf you’re wondering why your lights dimmed earlier this week in Kitsilano, drive by the new American Apparel on West 4th between Yew and York after sunset and you’ll understand. This shop lights up the block with a floor-to-ceiling glass storefront and hundreds of industrial strength bulbs. Long-time tenant Mexico Arte was displaced from this prime retail location before Christmas but recently popped up a block west where rent is cheap and safeway parking is plentiful.

If you’re thinking American Apparel might be a great place to work, be sure to check out their head office interview techniques first and hope that they haven’t trickled down to their Canadian retail locations. All joking aside, their t-shirt sizes are super consistent and I’ll be dropping in tomorrow.

Last modified: January 27, 2006

One Response to " Americans invade Mexico "

  1. Ben says:

    Man, that store is bright!