Get Involved–Kitsilano Community Centre Annual General Meeting, April 18


Kitsilano-Community-Centre-e1286230059726Attend the Kitsilano Community Center’s Annual General Meeting on Thursday, April 18 at 7pm to learn what is going on at your local centre. It is a great opportunity to understand more about what the center offers and how you can get involved.

The biggest issue facing Vancouver community centres right now is the proposed new operating agreement with the Vancouver park board to pool all community centre financial resources and take over programming of centres around the city.

For over 50 years, volunteer associations have run Vancouver community centres. These associations are known as Community Centre Associations. These volunteers raise funds, choose programs and maintain the facilities based on the needs and wants of their local community.

Some communities have more funds and more programs than others. The question is whether or not to redistribute the funds, and subsequently, change program offerings at local centres. You can read up on the negotiations between Vancouver community centres and the Vancouver park board here. If you’re interested in learning more about the opposition to the proposal, check out the My Vancouver Community Centre website.

Everyone is welcome to attend the AGM, but only those with memberships can vote. Refreshments will be served.

Kitsilano Community Center, 2690 Larch Street, 604-257-6976


Last modified: April 10, 2013

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