Vancouver Spring Break 2013: Things to do with kids in Kits


baby-ducksSpring Break for kids in Vancouver schools runs from March 18 – 22 (though some schools are off before/after those dates).  Add weekends, district closure days and statutory holidays and many families are looking at a good two week stretch with the ankle biters hanging around the house. I’ve written up a list of Vancouver-wide Spring Break activities that includes crafts, crime-solving, wildlife tracking, sports and more for

When it comes to activities for kids in Kitsilano, there are some great local options for a creative, messy and inspiring Spring Break.  This March, Christianne’s Lyceum is looking at art with fresh eyes. In a series of workshops, the Lyceum is encouraging young people to expand their ideas of what constitutes art to encompass everything mosaic tiling to pysanky eggs to community murals.  Christianne’s is also adding poetry, paintings and stop motion animated shorts to their arts roster. Browse the programs on offer here.

Nearby Granville Island Kids’ Market also has events for tykes including face painting, balloon art, making crafts from recycled materials, sand arts and visiting with Rainbow the Dragon. Some events are free. Details here. will be giving away a slot at a week-long Spring Break class at Christianne’s Lyceum called “A Mural and Garden For Our Community.” The class is for  5-10-year-olds and takes place March 18-22. It’s valued at $450. Details on that tomorrow!

Christianne’s Lyceum, 3696 West 8th Avenue,

Last modified: March 6, 2013

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