Where to buy your Thanksgiving turkey in Kitsilano


In my house, this is the year of the turducken: a nested bird roast consisting of a de-boned chicken stuffed into a de-boned duck, stuffed into a de-boned turkey. The turducken is nothing new – it’s been around since the 18th century, at least. But I’ve never tried it and it is readily available in Kits at Jackson’s and Pete’s Meat.

And what about turducken sausage? No, it’s not a butcher shop urban legend. Pete’s Meat’s turducken sausage just made Vancouver Magazine’s “25 Things You Must Try Before You Die” list, in the October 2012 issue, on news stands now. The concept is perfect for small gatherings, or anyone who wants to combine Oktoberfest spirit with traditional Thanksgiving. But I digress…

With four specialty butcher shops in our neighbourhood, where do you source your Thanksgiving bird?

I’ve started listing Kitsilano’s best spots for finding a locally-raised, and often organic, hormone-free turkey below. Many of them also have fresh made stuffing, gravy and stock.

At Whole Foods, you can order an organic turkey online for $1.19 per 100gr, in sizes ranging from 5-6kg, 6-9kg and 9+kg, with final cost assessed at time of pick up. If you don’t need a big bird, go for ducks, squab and other turkey alternatives. At Jackson’s for example, a duck runs under $30 per bird, whereas a turducken is $250.

Where to buy your Thanksgiving turkey in Kitsilano

  1. Green’s Organic + Natural Market, 1978 West Broadway, 604-568-3079, Greensmarket.ca 
  2. The Honest Butcher, 3209 West Broadway, 604-733-2220, Thehonestbutcher.com
  3. Jackson’s Meat, 2214 West 4th Avenue, 604-738-MEAT, Jacksonsmeatanddeli.com
  4. Market Meats, 2326 W 4th Ave, 604-737-0905, Marketmeats.com
  5. Pete’s Meat, 2817 Arbutus St., 604-730-1661, Petes-meat.com
  6. Whole Foods, 2285 West 4th Ave., Wholefoodsmarket.com

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Photo credit: Pete’s Meat

Last modified: October 3, 2012

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