‘Kits Me’ contest celebrates Kitsilano’s past and future with stories from residents


Here’s a fun weekend homework assignment. A new contest, ‘Kits me – Love the ‘hood you’re in’ is calling for story submissions from Kitsilano residents past and present.

The contest is a joint effort by Kits House, Kitsilano Chamber of Commerce, West 4th BIA and the West Broadway BIA. The idea was conceived when Kits House fund developer Julie Rieter saw an old T-shirt with ‘I Heart My Hood’ on the front of it, for sale at one of the stalls during last year’s Khatsalano! Music and Art Festival.

‘Kits me’ aims to  celebrate Kitsilano’s past and present. Community members are asked to submit stories explaining why they love their neighbourhood/home. 90 of these stories will be chosen by judges to adorn banners lining West 4th Avenue between Burrard and Balsam. The banners will go up in June. Story submissions are due April 5.

Submit your story online or in person at the Kitsilano Neighbourhood House office at 3683 West 4th at Alma.

Last modified: March 23, 2012

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