She’s got Kitsilano and civic politics in her blood


ColleenThanks to all the candidates that contacted us a result of my last post. We certainly have a diverse group of people running in the upcoming election. A few candidates emailed me rather than jumping into the comment fray online and I was particularily impressed with Colleen Hardwick Nystedt and her family history in Vancouver politics.  Have a read:

My roots in Kitsilano run deep.  My Mom was born at home on West 8th Avenue in Kits, attended General Gordon Elementary and graduated from Kitsilano High.  My grand-mother moved to Kits as a small child in 1908.  Her Dad ran the general store at 1st Ave. and Maple. Suffice it to say, it’s a very different Kitsilano today!  Today, I live in my parent’s former home at the north foot of Cypress, with my 2 daughters who attended Henry Hudson Elementary just up the street, where my grandfather, Walter Hardwick was principal for a great many years, notably through WWII.  I am an active member of our resident’s association.

Precisely because I have such intimate knowledge and understanding of the City’s history, I’m tremendously concerned about Vancouver’s future.  I’m here to represent Kitsilano and all of Vancouver’s neighbourhoods.

The picture in this post is Colleen marching with her father Walter Hardwick in a 1970 TEAM rally. says vote for her.

Last modified: November 5, 2005

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