Wicked Good Red tasting + Halloween vins at Broadway Wine Shop


Broadway International Wine Shop (2752 West Broadway), a Kits establishment for 25+ years, is hosting a complimentary tasting of Wicked Good Red this Saturday, Oct. 29, from 4-7 p.m. Drop in for the free sip and stock up on ghoulish grog to bring to your grown-up Halloween fest. The shop has curated a special, spooky Halloween selection. I’d describe it for you, but I don’t think I can do it better than their in-house expert Chris Reid, who says:

“Arrive at the party with a bottle of Vampire Cabernet Sauvignon in your bony grasp…Frighten the faint of heart with a pouring of pure Evil Cabernet Sauvignon. Let your guests toast the undead with a glass of Fifth Leg Red from those awesome Aussies at Devil’s Lair. Count down the hours to midnight by celebrating the Seven Deadly Zins. Or, as Halloween night winds down, treat yourself to a generous goblet of Wicked Good Red or The Velvet Devil Merlot, either of which pairs perfectly with those caramel cubes you’re going to pilfer from your kid’s treat bag.”

Broadway International Wine Shop, 2752 West Broadway, 604-734-8543, Broadwaywineshop.ca

Last modified: October 28, 2011

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