Get Ready for Set Rate Taxi Fares for Travel from YVR



You can skip watching the meter on your next ride home from YVR. And if your visiting friends or in-laws want to know how much it’s going to cost to grab at taxi at YVR (in addition to why you didn’t just pick them up) you can tell them. Starting November 6, taxi companies operating out of YVR implemented guaranteed zone fares to destinations in Richmond and Vancouver. All other destinations throughout Metro Vancouver, including inbound trips to YVR, will maintain the metered system.

Will this make it cheaper for you? Probably not. But it does introduce consistency. In the off chance you get a driver who asks you for directions, this will ensure you don’t pay the price in anything more than irritation and time. The zone fare system is becoming the norm. They use it at numerous international airports around the world including New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport and Pearson International Airport in Toronto.

Are you a fan of set rate taxis? Why or why not? Tell us what you think below.

Last modified: November 8, 2014

3 Responses to " Get Ready for Set Rate Taxi Fares for Travel from YVR "

  1. Maureen says:

    This is good to know. I’m one block north of 4th so I’ll save $5 if they drop me off on 4th instead of 100 yards further!

  2. Uber for Vancouver says:

    This is really stupid and will cost some much more. This is good reason why Vancouver needs Uber now. It is time to put an end to the Taxi cartel that is ruining Vancouver. Uber is available in 200 cities around the world but not Vancouver because the Taxi cartel is bribing BC politicians to keep them out.

  3. Kelly Gr-uber says:

    Of course, I’m a fan of set fares. While it’s nice that the cabbies now speed everywhere to try to get as many in an hour as possible…it would be nice if they knew the above fare map!
    My trip last night from YVR landed me back home at Broadway and MacDonald. I passed the driver $30…to which he replied… It’s $31!

    How about car2go from YVR? Then I can skip the stinky taxis!