Fancy a Bike Ride? Vancouver Tweed Ride Rolls through Vancouver Sunday, September 14


Image: Vancouver Tweed Ride

Image: Vancouver Tweed Ride

In a city where yoga pants pass as street wear, it can be difficult to find opportunities to dress up. Here’s your chance. The Vancouver Tweed Ride, a fancy bicycle ride where riders dress in traditional British Cycling attire, particularly tweed, rolls into town Sunday, September 14.

If you’re keen to participate in this fashionable cycling event, head to the The Vancouver Club in the heart of city on the day of. Registration opens at 9:30 am. It’s $40 to participate. Registration will get you: A Rider Kit (includes Happy Water bottled water, JJ Bean Promo Card, boxed tea from Murchies and more!), morning and midway point refreshments and entrance to the after party. You can also register to participate online here:

The actual Tweed Ride will start at 11am September 14.

The purpose of the Vancouver Tweed Ride? recreate the spirit of a bygone era, promote biking in urban areas and raise money and awareness for a local non-profit.

There will be prizes for best vintage bike, best tweed outfit, etc.

Last modified: September 9, 2014

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