Best holiday books for children?


Christmas books play a big role in the lead-up to the holiday season for many children.  Tonight, as I snuggle up in my pj’s with the little ones, some hot chocolate, and a few new Christmas books I picked up at Kidsbooks at West Broadway and Balaclava, I am thankful that  simple stories likes these remind us all what the season is really about. To be honest, I have not really had the chance to get into the Christmas spirit yet this year, but after a half hour reading aloud about the joy of giving and the magic of the season, I think it’s time to put up the tree!

If you are looking for holiday books, Kidsbooks has a phenomenal assortment and excellent staff to help you find whatever you are looking for. They also have several creative and classic books for Hanukkah. I opted for The Christmas Magic by Lauren Thompson and Jon J. Muth and The Perfect Christmas by Eileen Spinelli—both big hits at my house. What are your favourite holiday reads?

Kidsbooks, 3083 West Broadway, 604-738-5335,

Last modified: December 9, 2011

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