What the cluck?! Workshop on backyard chickens in Kits


Chances are if you’ve flocked to Kitsilano, you’re one among the denizens aiming to lead a more sustainable lifestyle. Your efforts might include shopping local markets, recycling, riding your bike or buying organic foods.

But let’s face it, being sustainably-minded can be costly, and you’re already living in one of the most expensive neighbourhoods in one of the most expensive cities in Canada.

One solution: growing hyper-local food. It’s cheap and easy to grow that patio vegetable garden. But for those who have the luxury of a backyard, what about raising some hens?

The City of Vancouver is one of several North American cities (New York, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Victoria, Niagara Falls, among others that allows urbanites to keep chickens in their backyards, with a few rules and stipulations, of course.

Vancouver Backyard Chickens

Backyard chickens produce copious fresh eggs – one hen can produce 300 a year – that have been found to have higher nutritional content.

They are relatively easy to care for, requiring only a small space to roam, food, shelter and water.

If you have a garden, chickens help control pests naturally, as they enjoy eating grubs and weed seeds while also producing a great natural fertilizer. They also provide educational experiences for children and (often) extra eggs that can be shared with your neighbours.

To learn more about this cheap, nutritionally and environmentally beneficial option, check out Village Vancouver’s Backyard Chickens 101 Workshop being held tomorrow night (Wed, Oct. 6 from 7-9pm) with Jordan Maynard from Southland Farms.

To register, email Ross at rmoster@flash.net.

Or, for more information:

Last modified: October 6, 2010

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