What were the Hot topics in Kitsilano during June 2010


June 2010 is in the books. For those of you wondering what the hot topics were in Kitsilano during the month, here are the Top 5 blog posts from June based on pageviews.

  1. Kits Beach Playground Relocation by Marouska S.
  2. Kitsilano Day Care Society in Search of a New Home by Denise H.
  3. 4th Avenue Business Association cancels Summer of Love Festival
  4. Kitsilano merchants join forces to foil fast-working thief
  5. West 1st sidewalk collapses and boom truck tips

Controversies around kids dominated the news with guest blogs posts on the relocation of the Kits Beach Playground and closure of the Kitsilano Day Care Society at the top of the list.

If you’re interested in contributing an article to Kitsilano.ca, be sure to contact us by email.

Last modified: July 7, 2010

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