Mazel tov! Solly’s Bagelry turns 22


vancouver bagels

Image: Solly’s

Vancouver institution Solly’s Bagelry just turned 22. That’s over two decades of being Vancouver’s go-to source for traditional Jewish baked goods. Bagels, eggels, schmears, knishes, matzo ball soup, and – OH – those enormous cinnamon buns.

vancouver bagels

Solly’s currently has three retail stores in Vancouver: Broadway & MacDonald,  Main & 24th, and Yukon & 7th. The Kits location is Broadway & MacDonald.

As a young girl, founder and current owner, Leah Markovitch learned Jewish baking by observing and working with her Baba (Grandma) in her Baba’s kitchen.  Many of Solly’s delicious foods stem from original recipes, handed down from previous generations in Eastern Europe, to her Baba, to Leah’s Mother , and to Leah herself.  These recipes, along with many others, lovingly shared by family and friends, have been authentically recreated in Solly’s kitchens.

Do you have a favourite order at Solly’s? Do you use Solly’s as a part of your Kits family tradition? Share your Solly’s story below.

Last modified: January 3, 2017

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