Kitsilano Gift Guide: 3 Easy DIY Edible Gifts-in-a-Jar


Chex Party Mix. Image credit:

Chex Party Mix. Image credit:

Who doesn’t appreciate the effort of a hand-crafted edible gift, especially if it’s made by the gift-giver? So, for Christmas this year, here are 3 easy gift ideas for you to make at home. No need to be a skilled baker. Most of your ingredients can be sourced at Whole Foods on West 4th or Greens on West Broadway, or have them delivered via SPUD. Glass jars can be found at Gandy’s Home Hardware and The Kitchen Corner, both on West 4th.

3 Easy DIY Edible Gifts-in-a-Jar

1. Gorgeous Granola
There are loads of different recipes out there for home-made granola and it is really super simple to make. Here’s our fool-proof recipe:

3 cups of rolled oats
1.5 cups of pecan halves
1/2 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup grapeseed oil
1 heaping tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 375. In a large bowl mix the oats with the oil, cinnamon, and salt. Mix the brown sugar with the maple syrup in a separate bowl. Add most of this maple syrup mixture to the large bowl, leaving a little to use for the pecans. Mix, mix, mix. Then spread granola on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Put in the oven for 20min, middle rack (don’t stir it if you want chunks). While the granola is browning, add the pecans to the leftover maple syrup mixture. Take the granola out of the oven after the 20min and sprinkle the pecans on top. Back in the oven for 5-10min more or until the pecans look a little toasty but not too dark. Let cool completely before putting in a nice large glass jar. Add a ribbon and a tag. Voila!

2. Chex Party Mix/Nuts & Bolts
This classic can be altered to suit anyone’s taste. Using various dry cereals, nuts, pretzels, and lots of seasoning, make enough to keep some for yourself as this stuff is seriously addictive. We prefer the oven methods rather than the microwave ones. Check these recipes for inspiration.

3. Cookie Mix
There’s no baking required with this one. Just layer the dry ingredients from your favourite cookie recipe (flour, brown sugar, white sugar, chocolate chips, maybe some nuts, and red and green-coloured m&ms, etc.) nicely in a glass jar and be sure to include a recipe for the remaining wet ingredients. You could also do a pancake, muffin or brownie version.

Last modified: December 14, 2015

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