Spud.ca Opens Kitsilano Storefront


Image: Spud.ca

Image: Spud.ca

Spud.ca CEO Peter van Stolk has opened a grocery store and cafe in Kitsilano named Be Fresh . You’ll find Spud’s Be Fresh shop in a 1,250-square-foot store at the corner of West 1st Avenue and Cypress Street. This is Spud.ca’s first bricks-and-mortar grocery store.

Spud wants its customers to buy staples (bread, veg) in the store and then go to an in-store computer terminal to order fancy pants items, such as rambutans or organic red wine vinegar, for delivery to their home the same day – for free as long as the purchase is made before 11 a.m.

“We’re taking an omni-channel approach,” Spud.ca CEO Peter van Stolk told Vancouver Courier . “Our competitors can’t do what we’re doing because they would need a bigger footprint. Our model is to have a small real estate presence and leverage our inventory and delivery systems by having people order online.”

Last modified: September 2, 2015

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