What To Do in Kitsilano This Weekend


Watch the amazing Camilo The Magician this weekend. Image credit: Camilothemagician.com

Watch the amazing Camilo The Magician this weekend. Image credit: Camilothemagician.com

There are some great local Kitsilano events happening this weekend that include getting a free tree, some good karma beach time, and a dose of healthy cheerleading. Plus there’s a magic show on Granville Island which should not be missed. Here’s our list with the details.

What to do in Kitsilano this Weekend


Thursday, April 16th

Adopt-A-Tree for Free
Kitsilano’s HotBox smoke shop is giving away free Sitka Spruce and Colorado Blue Spruce seedlings to any of their valued customers for the month of April. Apparently these trees will survive indoors if you don’t have a spot outside, or give it away as a gift to a friend. Stop by HotBox on West 4th to pick your tree up, along with a bong or two.

Friday, April 17th

Camilo the Magician presents: Misterio
The Revue Stage at the Arts Club Theatre on Granville Island is hosting this unique magic show by Camilo Dominguez, also known as Camilo The Magician, who was born and raised in Bogota, Colombia and who is now a local Vancouverite. Watch as he performs outstanding and original magic illusions, along with some humorous additions. Tickets are $30. Show starts at 8pm.

Saturday, April 18th

Earth Day Beach Cleanup
Just ahead of Earth Day (which is on April 22nd), the Surfrider Foundation Vancouver Chapter is hosting another beach cleanup event from 11am till 1pm. Note that this does not include cleaning up the remains of last Wednesday’s fuel spill. Meet at Kits Beach in front of the Boathouse Restaurant and don’t forget to bring your work gloves and a reusable mug. Cleanup supplies will be provided (including gloves if you forget yours). There will be an after party at the Kits Yacht Club. This is a free event for all ages.

Sunday, April 19th

2015 Vancouver Sun Run
Watch runners, joggers, walkers, strollers, and wheelchairs zoom on down the Burrard Street Bridge past the 6km mark on their way to the finish line. Bring pompoms, a musical instrument, or just a friendly loud voice to cheer them on, rain or shine.

Last modified: April 15, 2015

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