Mayor Robertson Supports Reopening of Kitsilano Coast Guard



Following the toxic bunker fuel spill in English Bay, Mayor Robertson is calling for the Kits Coast guard Base to be reopened. The base closed in 2013, despite protests.

As reported by CKNW:

“I don’t think that closure was warranted. I think we need to have a Coast Guard Base with the equipment to deal with a situation like this right here on False Creek. People in Vancouver are still very concerned about losing that Coast Guard Base, and want to be sure we have all of the resources necessary to respond to an oil spill.”

The benefit of having Kits Base available during the spill has been hotly debated. Former Kitsilano Coast Guard base commander Fred Moxey said it could have responded in minutes.Coast Guard Assistant Commissioner Roger Girouard says it would “not have made an iota of difference.”

Last modified: April 13, 2015

One Response to " Mayor Robertson Supports Reopening of Kitsilano Coast Guard "

  1. No says:

    It is not the best place for a an ugly building with razor wire and fence surrounding it. Knock it down now and restore the beach under it for the public to enjoy.