Last Chance to Check Out Super Cool MOA Exhibition “Pigapicha! 100 Years of Studio Photography in Nairobi”


Images: J.W.K Photographers, Kennedy Mungai, Nduka Photo Studio

Images: J.W.K Photographers, Kennedy Mungai, Nduka Photo Studio

When was the last time you visited the Museum of Anthropology up at UBC? There’s a super cool exhibition “Pigapicha!” there until April 5 and if you haven’t seen it, you’ll want to stop by soon. The exhibition uses studio photography from Kenya to take a look at East African popular culture.

“MOA has always served as a forum for cultivating an understanding and appreciation of the diversity of world arts and cultures traditions,” says Nuno Porto, Curatorial Liaison for Pigapicha! at MOA.

Pigapicha! – which literally translates as “take my picture!” – includes more than 180 images ranging from carefully staged artistic prints, to passport photos, to pictures snapped hastily on the streets of Nairobi. The subjects come from all walks of life and the goal of sharing these vibrant, funny, touching images is to give us a glimpse of the attitudes, beliefs, and customs of generations of Nairobi citizens.

“A highly-regarded art form in Nairobi, portrait photography is used to tell stories, share social status, and transform everyday life,” says Curator Katharina Greven.

Stop by. The visual learning experience may transform yours too.


Last modified: March 24, 2015

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