Vancouver Ranked Most Expensive City in North America


indexOuch: Vancouver is the most expensive city in all of North America. It beats the usual suspects New York and Los Angeles. Or so says the annual Worldwide Cost of Living Survey conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit. Tokyo has resumed its place as the world’s most expensive city. The EIU survey ranked Vancouver 21st internationally. That’s a jump of 16 spots up from its last ranking of 37th.

From the Huffington Post: The report ranks cities based on the cost of 160 products and services, such as gas, food, rent and transportation. For example, the average price for a loaf of bread in Tokyo is $9.06 USD, compared to $1.76 in Karachi, Pakistan, which was the least expensive city in the world.

Last modified: February 17, 2014

One Response to " Vancouver Ranked Most Expensive City in North America "

  1. S. Rose says:

    Suck it, New York City- we’re still number one.