Local Love Story: Kitsilano Good Samaritan Returns Lost Engagement Ring


Image: Meritalbliss.com

Image: Meritalbliss.com

A young woman who works as a registered massage therapist in Kitsilano lost her engagement ring in the neighbourhood, almost lost hope, and then got her happy ending thanks to a good samaritan. Melany Beauregard was downtown last Friday, when it suddenly occurred to her that she was not wearing her ring. “I got up and just started crying,” she told the Vancouver Sun.

From the Sun: The list of places where it could be raced through her mind. She could have dropped it while she was taking transit, it may have fallen off her finger somewhere on at least three different streets, perhaps it rolled under a piece of furniture, or maybe it was back at work in Kitsilano.

Beauregard hopped in a taxi and raced to her work, figuring that was the most likely location. But after searching the building fruitlessly, she took to the streets to continue the search. For nearly two hours she retraced her steps through Kitsilano, until she was forced to retire empty-fingered and too cold to search anymore.

The next morning she was on a mission. Beauregard plastered the neighbourhood with posters that read: “LOST. Diamond Engagement Ring. Please Call if Found! … just got engaged.”

Unfortunately, as can happen when you post your telephone number in public, Beauregard got a few mean-spirited and disheartening responses.

“I got a text from this guy … saying that I would never find my ring again,” she said. “I told him to lose my number, and he goes, ‘Like you lost your ring? … Wow, I feel sorry for you, I feel sorry for your fiancée.’”

Then there were some clever, but ultimately impractical suggestions from the public.

“I got a phone call saying that maybe a crow took it and maybe I should start checking nests,” she said.

But after spending the Family Day weekend thinking her ring may be gone for good, she finally received the phone call she was waiting for. A woman called early Tuesday saying she had seen Beauregard’s sign and happened to have found a ring.
Beauregard was overjoyed and met the finder Wednesday to retrieve it.

“She’s just an honest, good woman who doesn’t realize how good she made me feel,” said Beauregard.

Then, because she couldn’t help herself, Beauregard texted the crank back who told her the ring would be gone forever.

“I just thought I’d let him know good things happen to good people.”

She said he texted back a surprising reply that read, “Aha, good on ya.”

Beauregard and her fiancée intend to be married in August in Tofino.

Last modified: February 17, 2014

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