Enjoying That Rare Sunny Day – A Father Daughter Weekend in Kitsilano


tatlow_parkLiving in Vancouver, we get used to the annual seemingly endless run of cloud and rain that typify our winters.  In these stretches, we tend to forget what the North Shore mountains look like (never mind the sun). We most often hear the grumbling about the weather, the high price of real estate, the unfriendliness of the city, how much the Canucks need to trade Luongo, etc.  Summer seems too far away. We almost forget all of the things that make this such an amazing place to live.

It is during these stretches that a sunny Saturday means the most, I think.  The temperature rises, umbrellas get put away, and the grey recedes from our skies and our minds. We remember that we have beaches, and hiking trails, and oceans, and ski hills, all within sight and easy reach.

One of the presents we got my daughter for Christmas this year was a day tubing up at Cypress Mountain, and we woke up Saturday morning fully intending to head over to the Shore in the early afternoon.  After a late breakfast at the newly revived King’s Head (with their revived, budget-friendly Beggar’s Breakfast), we got our snow gear together and set out.  Fortunately, I decided to check the traffic before we got too far, and after hearing it we quickly changed our plans. Iron Worker’s bridge was closed, and up to two hours to get onto the Lion’s Gate.  We decided tubing could wait until another weekend. Instead, we grabbed our tennis rackets and headed to Kitsilano’s Tatlow Park

The courts at Kitsilano Beach I’m sure were packed on a day like this, and we wanted somewhere quieter and less visible to continue her introduction to the game.  The three courts were empty when we got there, and in the hour-plus we played, four other people total joined us on the courts, with at least one court open the whole time we were there.  It was perfect… sun out, no distractions, basically the place to ourselves as we batted the ball back and forth. She took lessons a couple years ago through Kitsilano Community Centre, just a basic introduction to the game that was perfect for her age and ability at the time, and she loved them.

I’ve always been a firm believer in the power of playing sports; I’m trying to introduce my daughter to as many activities as I can at a young age.  Tennis, golf, soccer, volleyball, swimming. Any or all of these could be things that she does for a lifetime, or just once.  I just want her to be exposed to a variety of things, so she can decide for herself.  If all we ever do is go out once a month and bash the tennis ball around, then great, that’s a win.  She’s outside, getting some exercise and having fun. I can’t ask for any more than that.

Kitsilano Community Centre, 2690 Larch Street, 778-829-6651,

The Kings Head, 1618 Yew Street, (604) 738-6966, Kingsheadkits.com

Last modified: March 24, 2013

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