Portland-inspired food cart pods coming to Vancouver


Vancouver food cart Pig on the Street

Vancouver food cart Pig on the Street

The Vancouver Sun reports that the City of Vancouver is looking at expanding its food cart program with the adoption of “Portland-style” pods that would allow a permanent cluster of carts to form outside the downtown core. I was in Portland this weekend, and I still prefer brick and mortar restaurants in winter. Come summer, this idea certainly may prove appealing.

Why is this happening now? Two years into the four-year pilot program, Vancouver’s downtown is reaching capacity for food carts, Coun. Heather Deal told the Sun, noting there are 103 permits issued for permanent carts. Also, events like Waldorf Food Cart Fest and Dine Out’s Street Food City have proven that pods generate foot traffic.

Food cart owners are happy with the proposed plan because carts who didn’t score a coveted downtown location will generate more foot traffic with a set location, as opposed to roaming.
Read more here.

Last modified: February 15, 2013

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