Leaked memos spur protestors to occupy Kitsilano Coast Guard Base


As we reported below, at 5pm, Friday, Sept. 14, about a dozen Coast Guard employees and supporters began their sit-in at the Kitsilano Coast Guard Base in protest of the upcoming closure. If you live in Kits, it’s been impossible to ignore the outcry against the base closure. The goal of the sit in was to push the federal government to address a report that claims closing the station will endanger lives.

The most recent news update in the ongoing kerfluffle about the closure has to do with leaked memos sent from maritime coordinators to regional managers.

An excerpt of the memos from CTV News:

“We, the Maritime Coordinators of JRCC Victoria, object to the proposed closure of the Kitsilano Coast Guard Base (Kits) as there was no consultation with any of the SAR expertise at JRCC Victoria, Sea Island or Kitsilano. Closing Kits will endanger the lives of mariners,” said the memo.

The three pages of leaked emails blasted the federal government and coast guard management for “misleading” the public regarding the qualifications of the volunteer search and rescue outfit and other claims made by the government and coast guard.

If you have any other updates, please help out by commenting below.

Last modified: September 16, 2012

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