Don’t miss the rare transit of Venus at H.R. MacMillan Space Centre, June 5


Unless you plan on living until 2117, you won’t get another chance to peep this rare astronomical event when Venus makes its grand transit across the heavens.

Events begin at Kitsilano-based Gordon MacMillan Southam Observatory (next to the Space Centre) at 2:45 pm, today, June 5. In the event of rain or clouds, the event will move inside the Space Centre to the Cosmic Courtyard where you can also watch a live feed of the event from a clear sky location, Hawaii. This is a “by donation” event, with proceeds supporting education programs at the Space Centre.

Transit Benchmarks

  • 3:05 pm – Ingress (Venus begins crossing the Sun)
  • 6:27 pm – Venus is half-way through the transit
  • 8:00 pm-ish – we lose the view of the Sun as it disappears behind the houses and trees – we will watch the rest of the event through a live video feed from Hawaii
  • 9:15 pm – sunset
  • 9:30 pm – Egress begins
  • 9:48 pm – Venus has finished crossing the face of the Sun

Last modified: April 25, 2019

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