Kitsilano Chamber of Commerce announces Westside Business Awards winners


The Kitsilano Chamber of Commerce received a record number of nominees for the Westside Business Awards this year and the results are in.

Westside Business Award Winners

Best in Business: Nicola Wealth Management
Best Business Person: Michael Gokturk, Payfirma Corporation
Best New Entrepreneur: Lorenzo Bottazzi, The BiBo Restaurant
Best Restaurant: Hapa Izakaya
Best Retailer: Zulu Records
Best Community Spirit: Raymond Greenwood, Mr. Fireworks
Best Green Business: Recycle-Now
Best Not-For-Profit: West Side Family Place

The KCC announced the winners at a swanky evening awards event, held at the contemporary Jewel Ballroom February 23. Lululemon founder Chip Wilson was honoured with The Kitsilano Chamber of Commerce ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’. Wilson shared his insights and inspiration to the local business community.

Find out more about the KCC here.

Last modified: March 5, 2012

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