New Year’s Eve events in Kitsilano


New Year’s Eve plans have always flummoxed me. When I was a young squirt it was simple. Mom made a bûche de noël and we waited for the countdown on television, usually falling asleep and drooling on the couch cushions before the ball dropped.

As an adult, the more I plan my New Year’s Eve party hopping, the more likely it is the evening will fall flat. That being said, I like to dress up.

My solution: No more house parties or clubs. Just intimate dinner action. That way at least I’m guaranteed good food. Sometimes my husband and I make an extravagant feast at home and head to the beach for a midnight stroll. Or we go to a Kits restaurant event like the ones I’ve listed below.

New Year’s Eve events in Kits

Oakwood Canadian Bistro is doing an cozy sit down dinner with three courses, a DJ and a Champagne toast at midnight. It’s just $50 for the evening. Owner Mike Shea describes it as “Good food and good drink with good friends.” Get the menu and booking details from their Facebook event page.

If you’re after the see-and-be-seen scene, why cross the bridge? Local Public Eatery is hosting a a New Year’s Masquerade Ball. $10 will get you entry and a glass of Champagne. Proceeds go to charity.

Boathouse is also featuring a special, three-course New Year’s Eve menu that will please seafood fans. Think whiskey crab soup and lobster ravioli. Get the full details here.

Other local businesses with New Year’s Eve menus and events include Bistro Pastis, Refuel,  Bistro Bistrot (live jazz), Maenam and Abigail’s Party.

What are your New Year’s Eve plans? Help us out by sharing.

Last modified: December 29, 2011

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