FarmFolk CityFolk Thanksgiving Fundraiser at Capers Thursday


Stop by Capers/Whole Foods on Thursday, September 29 from 5:00-8:00pm for the annual Taste of Thanksgiving. For a suggested donation of $10 you can sample their holiday menu and meet some great local producers. All proceeds will be donated to FarmFolk CityFolk, a key voice in the support of community-based sustainable food systems in the lower mainland. Menu items include holiday cheeses, pumpkin pie, roast turkey and all the trimmings.

Capers/Whole Foods, 2285 West 4th Avenue, 604-739-6676,

Last modified: September 27, 2011

One Response to " FarmFolk CityFolk Thanksgiving Fundraiser at Capers Thursday "

  1. HealthBean says:

    I never knew Kitsilano had a blog. This news makes me happy. Also, this event sounds amazing and super tasty. So, it’s a given that I must do my best to attend 🙂