Reserve your spot at Kitsilano’s Biggest Garage Sale


At Khatsalano! The West 4th Ave BIA Music+Art Street Festival Saturday, July 23rd, Kits Neighbourhood House will be hosting Kitsilano’s Biggest Garage Sale from 11am- 6pm on W. Fourth, between Balsam and Trafalgar. You can either sell out of your car, or bring a table or blanket for your stuff. Whichever option you pick, Kits House advises that you deck out your plot, play your tunes, dress up in costume and get creative. Prizes will be handed out for the “most awesome plot, best tunes and best stuff!”

Reserving a 12 x 12 ft. plot will cost you $25. Plot fees directly support Kits House programs and tax receipts are available upon request. Kitsilano’s Biggest Garage Sale is part of the Khatsalano street festival on 4th Ave (between Burrard and MacDonald Street) which includes featuring 5 stages of FREE live music.

To reserve your plot, contact: or 604-736-3588.

Last modified: July 5, 2011

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