Holiday Gift Guide – Shopping for the Fellas


We all know there is no shortage of spandex or baby/mommy to be stores in Kitsilano, however in the past few years there has been some great additions for guys to do their shopping.

Whether it is the skateboard/surfing shops at the bottom of the hill or longstanding Zulu records for the music buff on your list here are some suggestions to help you finalize your holiday shopping for the boys in your life.

This Holiday Gift Guide features products from Sitka SurfboardsLululemon, Roots, Flip Flop Shop, and Does Your Mother Know Magazine Shop.

Last modified: January 13, 2011

3 Responses to " Holiday Gift Guide – Shopping for the Fellas "

  1. Peter says:

    I have been coveting the Sitka hoodie for over a month. Expensive but it feels so nice and actually would be a great hoodie for watching some waves from the beach.

  2. andre says:

    Those emu slippers are by far the most comfortable slippers I’ve ever owned. Sure they’re not the cheapest but they’ll last and the comfort us unmatched, bar none.