On the Hunt for Mr. and Ms. Kits Beach


The heat wave blasting Vancouver hit its peak on Wednesday with temperatures projected to drop slightly into the weekend according to Environment Canada.

According to Dan Galazka – assistant supervisor of lifeguards for Vancouver parks board – the heat pushed hundreds of people onto Vancouver’s beaches and into its outdoor pools on Wednesday making it the busiest day of the year to date.  Galazka said over 3,000 people splashed around in Kits pool on Wednesday and another 35,000 lounged on the beach and in the park. And that’s on a week day.

As a result of the giant crowds and stellar weather, the Province newspaper was trolling Kits Beach for stories with Weather Network reporter Oga Nwobosi on scene at Wednesday’s “impromptu Kitsilano bikini festival”.

There's lots of 'em by Stephen Rees on July 9, 2010

With Malone’s on Cornwall Avenue and their Bikini Contest (full of non-residents in search of a free indoor tanning package) long gone, I thought it might be time for us to try to find Mr. and Ms. Kits Beach.

If you think you or someone you know represents Kits Beach and aren’t too shy to share your favorite photo, this is the contest for you. To enter, simply upload your photo to Flickr and tag it with either MrKitsBeach or MsKitsBeach. If you’re not on Flickr, email us the photo and we’ll get it online for you. There’s only one condition, the photo must be taken somewhere on Kits Beach.

On August 31st, we’ll pick a handful of finalists in each category and let our readers vote online on who best represents Kits Beach.

For now, the only prize is the honor of being named Mr. or Ms. Kitsilano but if we’re able to wrangle some prizes from local businesses we’ll let you know before the cut-off date.

Last modified: July 9, 2010

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