Run Run Run!


Vancouver offers the mild climate that allows people to hit the outdoors and run almost 365 days a year. However, now that spring has sprung and running events are taking place on almost every weekend the seawall is packed everyday with spandex clad runners! Kits is the perfect starting point for many of the beautiful running routes around the city.

I’m currently training for the Scotiabank Half Marathon and have found a great resource at the Running Room that is perfect for anyone curious to find out how long your runs are. Here they map out 5-20+KM run routes that start from the Broadway Running Room located at Broadway and Fir, or you can adjust like I do, to start from your own front door.

Here are a few of my favourite run routes for anyone training for a race or simply looking for some cheap and scenic exercise this summer!

Last modified: May 19, 2010

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