Dolcetto closes after one year


Dolcetto means “little sweet one” and was, aptly, both the name of a cafe at 2967 West Broadway and an unwitting reference to its existence, as it recently closed up. In a space that previously housed the delightful Land of Green Ginger (I miss their muffins), Dolcetto was opened in November 2008 by the team that brought us Cru Restaurant. Despite brewing beans from the unparalleled 49th Parallel Coffee Roasters, Dolcetto closed after just one year. Perhaps the competition from nearby Caffe Artigiano was too much (in addition to Blenz, Starbucks, Calhouns,…). A loss for the neighbours wanting something a little quieter than the bustling Artigiano, and for those who believe (according to various blogs) that Artigiano has lost quality through rapid expansion and sale by the Piccolo family, owners of 49th Parallel. I had a few lattes from Dolcetto and I can attest that, while the quality was great, there were never more than 3 other patrons present.

Last modified: November 22, 2009

4 Responses to " Dolcetto closes after one year "

  1. Heather says:

    I agree about the quality of Artigiano sinking since the sale and expansion. Had my first cup at Momento Coffee House at W 4th & Macdonald the other day. Good stuff!

  2. Jennifer says:

    As with any place, the customer service at Artigiano really varies but I think we Vancouverites have come to expect more from them. Just today, I asked for a 1/2 lb of a particular roast of beans to which the cashier replied that they were expecting more later in the day and she could only give me a full pound. On a previous visit, when the same full-pound-only dilemma arose, a different cashier offered to cut open a full pound bag to pour out half a pound for me. Then again, this same cashier today also stood leaning against the counter staring out the window while arriving customers bussed their own tables.

  3. Andrew E says:

    Sad to see Dolcetto go. It was a very nice place (as was the land of green ginger before it), but that strip of Broadway is very hard for a new small cafe to break into because of all the entrenched competition.

    As for Artigiano, I find the staff there less than worthless. The coffee is good, but everyone is so clueless that I don’t bother to head there.