A sneak peek inside Local Public Eatery


As many of you know by now Local Public Eatery is taking over the old Malones at Kits Beach on the corner of Cornwall and Yew.

Here’s a sneak peek at the interior:

Last modified: October 22, 2009

10 Responses to " A sneak peek inside Local Public Eatery "

  1. Kevin says:

    What a differnce! Malones may have been the most disgusting restaurant I’ve ever been to.

  2. Alexis says:

    YAHHHHH!! Anyone know the opening date?

  3. Anonymous says:

    November 20th

  4. Anonymous 2 says:

    The schedualed date is nov 20

  5. Anonymous says:

    Looks like Joeys ripped off Cactus’ Village taphouse in West Van… no original ideas out there?

  6. Sara says:

    Cactus’ Village Taphouse was originally a Steamworks location..very little had been down to the decor when it changed hands. Joeys as well as Cactus Club has in house design teams. All these restaurant chains look so similar but either way this is a great addition to Kits and way better then Malone’s food and decor ( or lack thereof ).