What’s open in Kits 24 Hours a day?


According to Kristen Ford of TheUbyssey.ca, there are plenty of eateries around the city that cater to those with night owl tendencies and she has a couple favorites in Kitsilano.

Nights in Kitsilano are all about talking each others’ ears off. The Wolf and Hound, Darby’s and all of those other pubs provide the perfect stage for drunken discussions, but sadly they’ll close well before you’ve gotten your closing arguments in. If you’re still antsy to continue the debate, you’ll need a few things to weather the move. You need coffee to perk you up, alcohol to loosen your lips and a heavy table to pound for emphasis. Luckily, both of these Kitsilano venues fulfill your needs.

Calhoun’s – Broadway at Balaclava

calhouns_logo_homeThis spacious country-inspired café is a nice change from the dark, cramped coffee shops you’re accustomed to. They have plenty of weathered, antique tables to hunker over as you nurse your coffee. If you want something to warm your stomach this is one of the few 24-hour places near campus with a decent menu. They have a great selection of soups, sandwiches, pastries and hot entré es for sustenance.

Keep in mind that this is one of the few 24-hour study spaces off campus—you may want to avoid it during midterm or exam periods. Four-hour conversations about student politics may interest you, but they will end up pissing off students getting ready for their anatomy quiz.

The Naam – 4th at MacDonald

naam-logoA hippie staple for the Kitsilano set for over 30 years, this is where you should go if you have anyone in your party that’s picky or overly healthy. There are plenty of tasty options whether they’re vegetarian, vegan or just a self-righteous asshole.

The menu is a throwback to the original veggie movement, so expect tons of tofu, sprouts and brown rice. Some of their dishes have a Mexican influence, others have an Asian influence, but everything else screams of pure unadulterated patchouli. Service is slow, so order up drinks as soon as you can. Come during the dinner rush to catch an acoustic set, but keep in mind that you’ll likely listen to it through the doorway in the back of a 20-minute line.

Try the Golden Dragon Bowl if you felt like a poutine but need to keep up appearances. You can pretend you’re having a healthy meal as sprouts, veggies and tofu conceal your sesame fries smothered in miso gravy.

What are your favorite all-night venues in Kitsilano?

Last modified: October 21, 2009

2 Responses to " What’s open in Kits 24 Hours a day? "

  1. Duncan says:

    Siegels Bagels.

  2. Mike Jones says:

    Calhoun’s, Naam, Siegel’s Bagels <– Isn't that all there is?

    And with all the silly 12:30 closing times on bars round here, there's is little to no night life in Kits, save maybe Lola's.

    I special secret is Abbigail's party is open late down on Yew st. Good spot.