BMX Mountain Bike Park approved for Vanier Park


Vancouver Dirt Jump CoalitionIn March Erik wrote about a proposed BMX Mountain bike park at Vanier park. Last night the final vote took place during a Board meeting at the Vancouver Park Board office and the proposal was approved. You can read the Staff Report and specifics about the Bicycle Skills Area online and thank the Vancouver Dirt Jump Coalition for making this a reality.

The main opposition to the Bike Park was the Squamish First Nation who had raised concerns about the proposed project with respect to potential archaeological resources at or near their former village site.

An archaeological overview assessment was conducted in connection with concerns raised by the Squamish First Nation. This study concluded that the lands affected by the proposed development have low potential for archaeological sites and there is low probability that any archaeological remains would be disturbed by
construction of the bicycle skills park.

No word yet on whether the Squamish Nation has conducted their own assessment with regards to the recently approved billboards for the adjacent space next to the Burrard Bridge.

Last modified: September 23, 2009

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