Critical Mass gets Hot & Heavy this Friday


The Vancouver Police Department is warning the public that the Critical Mass bike ride this Friday will seriously disrupt afternoon rush hour. This is the first time that the Police have issued a traffic warning regarding the popular protest ride.

“By now we’re all familiar with the concentration of bicycle riders who gather in the afternoon during the last Friday of each month,” said Vancouver Police Department Insp. Rick McKenna in a written statement Wednesday. “During the winter months the ride is barely noticeable, but during the summer it can swell to thousands of riders, covering more than eight city blocks and lasting for hours.

“Originally designed as a protest over the lack of bike lanes it has now morphed into a major celebration. Unfortunately, it has also morphed into a source of major conflict between riders and drivers.” he added.

Apparently last month’s ride included a little violence and a motorist was arrested for assault and a bicyclist was injured. Not much of a surprise considering the mischievous tactics of some riders.

No doubt thanks to the World Police and Fires Games Parade of Athletes in False Creek on Friday afternoon, the VPD will be out in force to make sure nothing embarrassing happens. Look for full scale enforcement with riders without helmets and traffic violations being ticketed by the VPD.

Last modified: July 29, 2009

2 Responses to " Critical Mass gets Hot & Heavy this Friday "

  1. will says:

    I will be out stopping cyclists who are disobeying traffic patterns.

    As a cyclist who does stop at red lights this group angers me to no end.

    If I encounter this group I will be passively blocking there path at red lights they attempt to run.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Your comment makes you sound like an a-class loser. Hopefully, you will not be in my way… 😉