Composting 101 at Kits House tonight


diaryWant to learn how to compost or get some tips on how to manage your smelly, rat infested bin better? Is it too dangerous to compost if you live in a non-earthquake proof highrise? Is it ok to put dead pigeons or belly button lint in the bin?

Join Spring Gillard, author of Diary of a Compost Hotline Operator and get all your burning compost questions answered. Spring does widespread research into urban agriculture worldwide. She is an avid storyteller who believes in the power of humour to convey serious messages.

The workshop is offered on a pay what you can basis. A two hour Backyard Composting workshop usually costs around $25-35. Our contributions make it possible for teachers like Spring to expand and deepen the scope of the important educational work they are involved in.

Backyard Composting with Spring Gillard is on Wednesday, July 15th from 6:30 – 8:30 pmat the new collaborative community garden at Kits Neighbourhood House at West 7th & Vine.

To register, or to host a future backyard composting or other networking workshop, please contact Ross @

Last modified: July 15, 2009

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