Pedestrian/Bike bridge proposed for False Creek


Just days before the city closes one lane on the Burrard Bridge to car traffic to create a bike lane as part of trial project, Mayor Gregor Robertson is doing his best to make everyone happy. Robertson is supporting a proposal to build a bike and pedestrian bridge across False Creek at a cost of $45 Million.

Architect Gregory Henriquez's proposal for a pedestrian bridge across False Creek that would connect Kitsilano with the West End.

The proposed 15-metre-wide suspension bridge would cross the entrance to False Creek just west of Burrard Street, linking Kitsilano at Vanier Park with the West End at Sunset Beach. Apparently architect Gregory Henriquez (of Woodward’s fame) presented the plan to the mayor after the two talked about the idea a few months ago.

Robertson plans to include a vote on the idea during a referendum in the next civic election and is expecting the federal and provincial governments to help with funding.

Councillor Suzanne Anton thinks the new bridge proposal is the mayor’s way of diverting attention from the controversial bike lane trial. The councillor also said she questions the accuracy of the $45-million price tag for the new bridge, saying it would be at least double that. She said she still believes the best idea is to widen the sidewalks on the existing Burrard Bridge.

Pretty cool looking bridge though.  😉

The proposed bridge has been compared with the popular Millennium Bridge in London.

Last modified: July 3, 2009

13 Responses to " Pedestrian/Bike bridge proposed for False Creek "

  1. Tyler says:

    Not a bad idea, though do they need to make it look like all the other new bridges going in? Could they make it look similar to the existing bridges?

    It would still be an awful long walk cross no matter where they put it. I still prefer to take the False Creek Ferries over 🙂

  2. Bill Barilko says:

    $45 million to start god alone knows how many more millions before it’s finished.

    OTOH composite fibre/lightweight metal cages could be affixed to the outside of the present bridge as cycle-only lanes, this could be constructed in a few months at most and would cost much less than one (1) million.

    Someone somewhere has their priorities badly skewed.

  3. Biker Girl 69 says:

    It is a great idea…let’s do it!

  4. Biker Girl 69 says:

    It is a great idea…let’s do it!

  5. Jody says:

    The cages would be so ugly on what is one of our most beautiful bridges. They would destroy the design. A bike/walk span would be great, like what they have in some European cities. I’d still take the water taxis, but I’d love that walk, too.

  6. Kitty Girl on Swing says:

    I believe this will happen. It is only a matter of time. Gregor has the vision for the future….I love the design, it looks like the bridge deck is floating on air. What a rush…lets do the right thing and dream together at the same time.

    Call City Hall…tell them to do it.

  7. Matt on Yew says:

    What an amazing bridge…way better than closing down lanes on the existing bridges. I would use it every day to get to work and back. Just make sure there is a non-slip surface for rainy days.

  8. Jerry B says:

    Let’s do it. We spend so much money on cars that pollute. I vote yes.

  9. David Hayes says:

    Seems like a good plan to me!

  10. Allen says:

    I think the bridge looks pretty awful. Vancouver is pretty gray already, and a white bridge over the skyline… i’d love to see a much better solution before i pay for it. Also, 45M+ for a bridge just for people walking and biking? Please spend my money wisely…

  11. Jayne LeVierge says:

    Looks good and it gets my vote. Perhaps the cyclists and pedestrians should have a barrier to prevent mishaps between the two. I’d enjoy looking at a more detailed plan.

  12. Chris says:

    I think it’s an impractical design–drawn to look cool, rather than functional. You would have to ride half way to Bowen Island to get downtown! I wouldn\’t use it; I\’d rather ride in traffic on the bridge. Why not just build a (straight) cycle bridge right beside the Burrard Bridge?

  13. Westend Girl with Dogs says:

    I love the design, they should have a dogs run on one side. Three lanes, one for bikes, one for people and a fenced in one for my dogs. We would all meet on the other side.