Be Prepared


No matter how awesome Vancouver and Kits are, one needs to remind oneself every now and then that there is a constant, and very real risk of natural disaster. So, in addition to that fancy stroller and those flip flops, one of the first things we did was make an emergency plan and prepare an emergency kit, containing, among other things, enough water and food to last our family the recommended 72 hours.


If you have not yet made your emergency plan and kit, and have no clue how you would go about doing so, you might want to consider taking the Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness Program (NEPP) workshop #1:

Workshop #1 (Basic Training) – Personal Emergency Preparedness

Emergencies and disasters can happen with little or no warning. Being prepared could save your life or the lives of others and significantly improve your quality of living in the aftermath. This session will teach you to be prepared for any type of emergency or disaster you may be faced with. You will learn personal and family preparedness, how to develop a family emergency plan and how to perform a “home hazard hunt”.

This NEPP workshop is FREE and will be offered Wednesday, June 10, from 7-9pm at Kitsilano Community Centre. Register at KCC or by phone: (604) 257-6976.

There is no excuse for not being prepared.

Last modified: June 1, 2009

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